Therapeutic Coaching
More than Therapy, more than Coaching, Therapeutic Coaching is on the cutting edge of behavioral health strategies. Whether you are in crisis, stalled and uncertain, or doing well and want to go to the next level, Therapeutic Coaching may be the customized answer you've been hoping for!
Couples / Families
When relationships with people we love are strained, everything can seem out of balance. Therapeutic Coaching for couples and families has proven to be extremely useful for regaining balance, clarifying roles and expectations, and securing agreement on the strategies to be engaged for accountable progress. You bring the problem, I'll meet you with the process. Things are about to get better!
Since 1993
THINK2BWELL is the emerging edge of behavioral health strategies. If traditional therapy has seemed to you to be lacking on the action side, and coaching has not seemed to take into account your unique personality and background, THERAPEUTIC COACHING may be right for you.
THINK2BWELL IS based on a timeless truth, and a powerful question. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7, and "Do you really want to be well?" John 5:6. We believe that true wellness is holistic, integrating body, mind, and spirit. And we believe that today is a great day to step into the change that will lead you to improvement, growth, and wellness.

Next Steps...
It's easy to get started with your first appointment. Contact me by email or phone. In person appointments are preferred. However, phone/FaceTime appointments are available. And for your convenience, a limited number of evening and weekend appointments are available.
(850) 417-3913
[email protected]